Our Terms & Conditions - found in the Contract
You agree to these terms and conditions when you buy a puppy from Eldorado Ranch Mini Aussies, whether you have signed the contract or not.
Adoption Contract Agreement & Guarantee
This puppy is a purebred Toy / Miniature Australian Shepherd. Registration application papers with ASDR will be included as part of this agreement and will be provided to the adopter upon full payment and following proof of spay/neuter of the puppy.
This puppy is adopted with limited registration as a pet quality puppy. Puppy is warranted for the purpose of being a pet animal. We make no guarantee on eye color, ear set, size, or working ability. While puppy may be capable of performing other functions, no warranty is given as to its fitness for any special purpose. We offer NO guarantee on the size of your puppy as crop outs are possible.
A non-refundable deposit in the amount of $500 is required to hold the mentioned puppy. The outstanding balance shall be paid by the time the puppy is 8 weeks of age and before purchaser obtains possession of the puppy. It has been mutually agreed by both the breeder and the adopter that the puppy will not be released to adopter until a minimum of 8 weeks old unless other arrangements have been made in writing and shown below. Any deposit signifies intent of the adopter to follow through with the adoption of the puppy. If adopter changes his/her mind the deposit is forfeited, and NO refund will be given.
Adopter agrees that this puppy is a member of the Eldorado Ranch Mini Aussie family and adopter will maintain communication during the lifetime of the puppy. During the first year of puppy’s life with adopter, this agreement provides for wellness visits by the breeder, or their designee. If determined that the puppy is at risk, due to the non-compliance with the terms of the agreement, the removal of the puppy from the adopter is warranted and provided for in this agreement. In this circumstance, a refund of the purchase price, less expenses incurred in retrieval of the puppy through proper legal channels, will be provided. In no other circumstances will a refund be provided.
Breeder guarantees that the puppy is healthy, and free of known contagious diseases. Puppy is up to date on vaccines and deworming required for its’ age at the time of this agreement. A record/schedule has been provided.
The adopter agrees to have said puppy examined by a licensed veterinarian within seventy-two (72) hours of receipt of the puppy, excluding weekends. If puppy is determined to be in poor health, as evidenced by a veterinarian’s written statement, the adopter can elect to keep the puppy, assuming all cost for its care, or may return the puppy for a full refund upon the breeder’s receipt of the veterinarian’s statement regarding the puppy’s health. This provision will expire 72 hours after the buyer takes possession of the puppy. This does not include abnormalities caused by injury, neglect, or other environmental conditions. Breeder makes no guarantee regarding the loss of puppy because of accidental death, theft, sickness, etc. or any loss beyond breeder’s control, except as stated above.
This sales contract is non-transferable. Adopter agrees that this puppy/dog is adopted on the basis that they will have a forever home with adopter; however, if circumstances change, adopter agrees to return the puppy/dog to breeder as Eldorado Ranch Mini Aussie puppies always have a home with us. NO refund of any money or replacement puppy will be offered under these circumstances.
At no time are you permitted to surrender your puppy to a shelter/pound or any other rescue organization. Adopter agrees to notify breeder if any health or temperament problems develop in this puppy during its life, whether it pertains to the guarantee or not. (ie. cancer, heart problems, etc.).
The adopter agrees that it is their responsibility to make sure that the puppy purchased from the breeder obtains proper socialization / training and proper veterinary care, including spay / neuter by the age of eighteen (18) months, and all necessary vaccinations required when the dog is still a puppy and all yearly / routine booster vaccinations, thereafter, as recommended by a LICENSED VETERINARIAN.
The adopter agrees that they are obligated and required to use Eldorado’s as a prefix to the Puppy’s Registered Name (Eldorado’s Puppy Name; ie: Eldorado’s Daisy Duke).
Although there are no plans at present to stop breeding Toy / Miniature Australian Shepherds, the above guarantees are valid only as long as Breeder is breeding said dogs. Should Breeder cease breeding said dogs, for any reason, this Adoption Contract will become null and void.
In the event of dispute and litigation the venue jurisdiction shall be in Walker County, State of Texas, with adopter assuming ALL court cost and fees.